The idea for bud & june started at the beach, of course! Well, it started before we got to the beach. There was not one bathing suit that we wanted to put on our boys. We like to consider ourselves resourceful but struggled to find anything. We addressed our issues with the current offerings for boys.
  • The styles were too long on their small frame.   
  • Too much fabric especially when wet they sagged even more exposing their bums.
  • They all looked the same. The same short made in different "boy" colors. 

The style of short most offered for boys is called a boardshort. It has its origins from the surf world in that the style is used when doing sports requiring a board such as a surfboard. It was important that the shorts were long in order for the surfers leg hair to not get stuck on the wax of the surfboard while sitting and waiting for waves. Now I don't know about your children but we don't have that problem with our boys. We love surfers. But our boys are still honing their surf skills at the shoreline. They mostly spend their time dumping sand on our beach blanket, digging for treasures or running from waves. ( And they do enjoy to eat their share of sand too!)

bud & june swimsuit boy throwing sand

It made sense to us that the suits needed to be shorter and more form fitting. We started on our prototypes. We sewed the samples ourselves until we had what we envisioned. During this whole process, our boys have been on this journey with us. Their feedback by words or movements has guided us. The final test was that our boys loved them! They were excited to have free movement in their bathing suit. Literally, jumping up and down in them. They wore them all season, on vacations and even just out and about to playgrounds, grocery stores and play dates. They dry quick, they are comfortable and maybe just as important allows our children to express themselves by being different. 

Read more about how we got started here or learn about how you can be a part of bud & june here.


bud & june swimsuits at beach

Quote listen to your soul


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